MIS Romeo S.r.l. Shop


Condition of Sale

Acceptance of the conditions of sale                                        Terms and Conditions of Sale

1. The contract concluded between MIS Romeo S.r.l. and the Customer shall be deemed to be concluded with the acceptance, even partial, of the order by MIS Romeo S.r.l. Such acceptance shall be deemed tacit, unless otherwise communicated by any means to the Customer. By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares that he has read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and fully accept the general conditions and payment.

2. The Customer must be the holder of VAT in the food sector and purchase the products for professional use and processing in the laboratory, as indicated on the label; Most of the products of MIS Romeo S.r.l. are intended for additional processing in the laboratory and is clearly indicated on the label; only some are ready for direct sale in the store. The customer, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, will print or save an electronic copy and keep these general conditions of sale, in compliance with art. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/1999 on distance sales. MIS Romeo S.r.l. will still send electronic FT on the portal by connecting to the unique code (or to the PEC) indicated by the Customer during registration.

3. The Customer at the first access must register by entering the data of the purchasing company, P.IVA, unique code SDI (and/or PEC address), billing address, destination address, unloading times, reference person, company owner, mobile phone number, etc. (see website). An order approved by the system cannot of course be changed under the conditions (see point 3. In all its articles)

4. Any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or property caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order.


1.1 misromeo.comis the electronic shop called MIS Romeo s.r.l Shop owned by the Company MIS Romeo S.r.l. with registered office in Via Castelfidardo, 1 - 20900 Monza, Italy that intends to sell through the Internet some of the food products belonging to its assortment.

1.2 "Products": are some of the products and/or goods marketed by MIS Romeo S.r.l. and are part of its assortment. "Customer": is the buyer of the Products, meaning for this the legal person who makes the purchase for purposes related to the commercial or professional activity carried out.

1.3 "Site": is the set of web pages related to www.misromeo.com

1.4 "Offers": are sales made by misromeo.com for all or part of the Products and for limited periods of time with a discount on the normal selling price.

1.5 "Special Offers": are sales that require the sending to the Customer of a free product together with one or more Products purchased.

1.6 "Purchase": is the purchase order with delivery of the Products in days following that of transmission of the order by the Customer to misromeo.com

1.7 "Home delivery": is the purchase order with delivery of the Products to the address indicated by the Customer in the purchase order as shipping address.

1.8 "Login": is the area within which the customer can view his data and possibly proceed to the modification and/or cancellation.


2.1 The General Conditions are an integral part of any proposal, purchase order and purchase order confirmation of the Products marketed by misromeo.com in force on the date of the relevant order.

2.2 The General Conditions exclusively concern the sale to a Professional Customer and for professional use, as specified above.


3.1 All contracts are concluded exclusively with the Customer’s access to the Site, using the technology of remote communication through the Internet network.

3.2 L’acquisto di quanto richiesto si perfezionerà̀ attraverso le seguenti fasi:

3.2.1 By sending the order, you send misromeo.com a proposal to purchase the selected product or products, manifested online. The sending of the purchase order implies the consent (pursuant to art. 10 DL 185/1999) to receive the subsequent communications of misromeo.com, aimed exclusively at the conclusion and execution of the contract of sale.

3.2.2 All purchase orders sent to misromeo.com must be fully completed and must contain the elements necessary for the exact identification of the Products ordered, the Customer and the place of delivery of the Products.

3.2.3 misromeo.com reserves the right not to accept incomplete or not properly completed orders.

3.2.4 misromeo.com provides for the confirmation, by e-mail of the purchase request, which will contain : information concerning the conditions of sale, pursuant to art. 4 DL 185/1999. The order confirmation is valid as acceptance of the purchase proposal.

3.2.5 The contract is concluded, and is binding for both parties, at the time when the purchase order confirmation is sent to the Customer.

3.2.6 If the request that the Customer has formulated through the order should exceed the available quantity for a given article, misromeo.com will accept the purchase limited to what is actually available to its virtual warehouse. It will be the responsibility of the Customer Service of misromeo.com to make known (by phone, fax or e-mail) to the Customer whether the products ordered will be available in the future.


4.1 misromeo.com provides to deliver the Products to the Customer, selected and ordered in the manner indicated under "Deliveries", through trusted couriers.

4.2 The delivery takes place, for purchases, in the times indicated (variable by region and state) under "Deliveries" and in the time slot indicated by the Customer in the purchase order if a preference has been given. (Please always indicate a telephone number in case of problems for the courier)

4.3 In any case, the delivery time, according to the provisions of art. 6 of D. Lgs. n. 185/1999, shall not exceed 30 days from the day following that of transmission of the order to misromeo.com.

4.4 Unless otherwise provided by special promotions, the transport of the goods is subject to payment. The amount is indicated under "Shipping Cost". 

4.5 The delivery of the Products is subject to the payment, by the Customer, of the relevant price by the means chosen from those made available on the misromeo.com website and illustrated under "Payment type".

4.6 Terms and conditions of delivery other than those provided for in the General Conditions must be previously agreed between the Customer and misromeo.com and accepted in writing by the latter.

4.7 The tax documentation (invoice) is issued by MIS Romeo S.r.l. and sent to the customer, after signing the transport document, by electronic means by sending an e-mail containing attached the courtesy invoice and on the portal with electronic FT sent to the unique SDI code indicated by the customer and linked to its P.IVA.


5.1 All sales prices of the Products indicated on the Site are expressed in Euro.

5.2 Unless otherwise indicated, the prices of the Products are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes. VAT, almost always at 10% except for exceptions (for example raisins 4%) is always clearly indicated separately.

5.3 The prices of the individual Products, from time to time indicated on the Site, cancel and replace the previous ones.

5.4 The prices applied are those indicated on the Site at the time of the purchase order by the Customer.


6.1 The Products are not provided for trial. The Customer is responsible for the choice of the Products ordered and their compliance with their needs.

6.2 In case of unavailability of one or more Products, misromeo.com proceeds to the delivery of the other Products ordered by the Customer; in this case, the partial delivery of the Products ordered is valid and does not give the Customer the right to refuse delivery, nor to any compensation or compensation whatsoever; subject of course to the subsequent delivery of misromeo.com of the order balance or alternatively the refund of the corresponding value for the goods of the order not delivered.


7.1 misromeo.com does not assume any responsibility for faults attributable to force majeure of any kind and nature, if it fails to execute the contract within the agreed time. Force majeure causes, by way of example and not exhaustive, the provisions of the Public Authority , the strike of own employees or carriers of which misromeo.com uses, as well as any other circumstance that is outside the control of the latter.

It is possible that misromeo.com has, or may contain, errors and/or inaccuracies; therefore reserves the right to correct such errors or inaccuracies contained in the Online Store even after an Order has been sent and reserves the right to update and/or change the information in clear on the online store at any time, even in a preventive manner, and without communication to Customers.


8.1 Once the online purchase procedure has been completed, the Customer undertakes to print and keep these General Conditions.

8.2 The information contained in the General Conditions must be viewed and accepted by the Customer before sending the purchase order, in order to fully satisfy the condition of art. 3 and 4 of D. Lgs. n. 185/1999. Acceptance is by marking the appropriate space on the site. Failing this, the order cannot be executed. 


Beyond the laws, we are interested in a continuous relationship with each of our customers, so we guarantee maximum attention to every need and full availability to the solution of any problems.

misromeo.com adheres fully to the Consumer Code issued by Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005, pursuant to art. Article 7 of the Proxy Law of 29 July, n. 229, on the reorganization of the current provisions on consumer protection, which includes most of the provisions issued by the European Union over the last twenty-five years for the protection of consumers. For the obligations deriving from the participation to the Union these norms have been understood also by the Italian State.

The Right of Withdrawal consists in the possibility for the customer to withdraw, within the period of fourteen working days, from any purchase made at a distance and receive a full refund of the cost incurred for the purchase without any penalty , Just as laid down in Legislative Decree. 185 of 22/05/99 where obviously also include purchases made via the Internet. The only costs not reimbursed will be those of shipping, which remain excluded from the discipline under Decree-Law 185/99.

It should be noted that Community legislation provides that the right of withdrawal may be exercised only by natural persons (consumers) who act for purposes that may be considered unrelated to their commercial activity. However, precisely for the purpose of creating a stable long-term business relationship, we allow the right of withdrawal provided that with shipment at the customer’s expense and refund by bank transfer after receipt of the goods intact, not open and therefore in the same conditions in which it left.

Of course, this right of withdrawal may not apply to the supply of food types which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are likely to deteriorate or be altered rapidly.

In order to exercise the right of withdrawal or if you want to withdraw from the purchase while the goods are in delivery you must send a registered PEC: misromeo@pec.it anticipated by mail to info@misromeo.com e amministrazione@misromeo.com in which the will to return the goods is expressed. The right of withdrawal can be exercised by the registered company that made the purchase.

Legal persons DO NOT enjoy the benefit of the right of withdrawal by law; this right of withdrawal, however arbitrarily granted by misromeo.com, expires totally if the returned product is not intact, or:

1. Lack of original packaging.

2. Absence of product components.

3. Damage to the product for reasons other than transport.

After making the purchase, if you want to make use of the right of withdrawal must proceed in the following way :

Within 14 days of receipt of the goods, send 

either by email to info@misromeo.com e amministrazione@misromeo.com 


either by letter PEC to: misromeo@pec.it

1. The operator who has received the email will arrange an appointment for the collection of the package that must STRICTLY contain all the elements as the previous list mentioned above. The return shipping costs are borne by the Customer.

2. misromeo.com after verification of the integrity of all the components of the product and its accompanying elements, will proceed with the reimbursement of the amount paid with the exception of shipping costs, the refund will take place within 14 days from the above checks.


Not all products can be returned, the law DOES NOT ALLOW TO RETURN perishable food products.

Why is it not possible to return certain food products? To protect our customers and for hygienic reasons you can exercise the right of withdrawal only for products that can be put on the market without endangering the health of consumers. It is precisely for this reason that it is not possible to return food products that cannot be properly stored.


10.1 In the event of receipt of defective and/or non-conforming goods, the customer shall inform MIS Romeo S.r.l. within 7 days of receipt, who will contact the customer and verify such non-conformity by agreeing on any replacement procedure.


11.1 Children under the age of 18 are not allowed, except under the control of an adult family member, to transmit orders via the online order form. In addition, as mentioned above, the Customer must be the holder of VAT in the food sector and purchase the products for professional use and processing in the laboratory, as indicated on the label.


12.1 The Customer may pay for the Products ordered by:

A) Bank transfer in advance

B) PayPal

12.2 By filling in the appropriate space on the Site, the Customer undertakes to make the payment personally.

12.3 The actual debit transaction takes place in advance of delivery.


13.1 The Offers proposed by misromeo.com are valid until stocks of the Products are exhausted and within the purchase limits indicated on the Site.

13.2 Promotions are not cumulative.

13.3 Promotional Products may be delivered in promotional packages other than those published on the Site.

13.4 If the Special Offer promoted by misromeo.com provides for the sending of a free Product together with one or more Products purchased, the Customer receives the free Product upon implicit acceptance of the same.

13.5 The offer of the free Product is valid until stocks last.

13.6 No replacement or return is possible in relation to any Products received free by the Customer.


14.1 For any complaints you can contact the Customer Service, by e-mail to the following address info@misromeo.com or in writing to MIS Romeo S.r.l. - Via Castelfidardo, 1 - 20900 Monza, Italy 

14.2 Within 2 working days of receipt of the complaint, the Customer Service will contact the Customer to indicate the times and methods of handling the complaint.


15.1 Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the contract concluded online by the Customer with misromeo.com, is subject to Italian jurisdiction.

15.2 The Court of Milan is competent for any dispute between the parties on the matter.

15.3 The customer/user of misromeo.com Shop accepts that any dispute is handled by the Forum of Milan.


16.1 Contracts concluded online by the Customer with misromeo.com are governed by Italian law.

16.2 For anything not expressly provided herein, the legal rules applicable to the relationships and the situations provided for in the online contract concluded by the Customer with misromeo.com apply

16.3 Pursuant to art. 1341 and 1342 c.c., the Customer declares to have read carefully and to expressly accept and in particular the following clauses of the General Conditions of Sale of misromeo.com: Characteristics and availability of the Products; Responsibility of misromeo.com; Right of withdrawal; Prohibition of return of Free Products; Warranties on Products; Disputes; Applicable law and referral.

For the communications provided for in the General Conditions of Sale, the Customer can contact misromeo.com in the following ways:

By writing to:

MIS Romeo S.r.l. - Via Castelfidardo, 1 – 20900 Monza, Italy 

Tel: +39.348.0112860   Tel: +39.327.7585788

E-mail: info@misromeo.com e amministrazione@misromeo.com

N.B.: The data communicated to us will be processed in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003. By sending an email you implicitly consent to their processing.

Attention: All our deliveries, have a free delivery customer unpaid (DDU) excluding taxes, duties and local VAT, as commercially used in the European Community. Therefore, our deliveries include the cost of the goods, the shipping costs to the address of the recipient. For purchases from abroad, any additional costs such as customs duties, import taxes, local taxes, local VAT and/or other ancillary charges are borne by the recipient.

Please read, print and retain your acceptance of the terms of sale.